Individual Supervision:

Individual Supervision is a key component of the internship.   We place a great deal of importance on the supervisory relationship and ensure that the process is both supportive and collaborative.  There is not only an emphasis on the development of skills and competencies, but we also focus on the personal qualities required to develop strong therapeutic relationships and provide positive emotional experiences, which we consider essential when working with vulnerable populations.

Supervision presents an opportunity to ask questions, seek clarification, discuss challenges and successes that arise during your clinical work, and may at times include debriefing. Through modelling a strong supervisory alliance, we offer an experiential approach to learning. 

Provisional Psychologists completing the 4+2 and 5+1 pathways to registration require a Principal Supervisor and at least one Secondary Supervisor.  

The role of the Principal Supervisor is to guide and oversee the Provisional Psychologist’s clinical work, assess training needs and areas of competence, guide professional development and provide ongoing and constructive feedback. The supervisor, in addition to the workplace supervisor, is also a primary point of contact for any clinical, ethical or administrative concerns that may arise during the internship.  If your Principal Supervisor is unable to provide supervision for any reason, such as during periods of leave or due to illness, you would arrange to see one of your Secondary Supervisors.

Throughout your internship, your supervisor will work closely with you to ensure you meet all the Board’s competency requirements and associated paperwork, including weekly logbooks, a reflective journal, progress reports and case studies. 


Clinical Supervision Sydney

Supervision Components

Please click on the links below for further information:

Psychological Practice

Individual Supervision

Group Supervision

Psychometric Testing

Professional Development

Additional Information

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