Psychological Practice:

Prior to applying for conditional registration with AHPRA you are required to obtain a psychological placement, for a minimum of 17 hours per week.  This can be a paid or voluntary position, and may take place in a range of settings or workplaces.  An approved placement will allow for the practice and development of psychological skills, knowledge and competencies, as well as providing opportunity for direct client contact and client related activities of a psychological nature.

Typical duties include assessment, counselling, intervention, case consultations, assessment, diagnosis, report writing, case-notes, group intervention, consultancy and development of resources.  It is important that placements provide the opportunity to develop skills in the key areas of competence at a consistent rate throughout the internship.  Placements are approved according to the duties performed rather than the job title. 

For the purposes of provisional registration, 34 hours per week for 44 weeks each year is considered full time.

We can provide support and guidance regarding placement suitability while you search for an approved placement. 

Psychologist Sydney

Supervision Components

Please click on the links below for further information:

Psychological Practice

Individual Supervision

Group Supervision

Psychometric Testing

Professional Development

Additional Information

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