What is the purpose of an assessment?
A thorough assessment will help to identify your child’s strengths and areas for further development. This information will assist teachers, you and other professionals to make more informed choices about where to focus support and apply additional activities to promote his or her learning.

How long will the assessment take?
Assessments generally take about 1.5 to 2 hours to complete.

Can I stay with my child during the assessment?
This is not recommended, as it can be distracting for your child and impact their results. If your child is especially anxious the psychologist may suggest you stay for a while until they are more settled. Your assessor will be experienced in working with children. We find that children settle down very quickly once their parents have left the room even if they are nervous to start with.

How can I prepare my child for the assessment?
Tell your child that they are going to see someone who will get them to do some puzzles and ask them questions to find out what they are good at. Let them know that this is likely to be fun and enjoyable. If possible, ensure your child has a good night’s sleep the night before, a good breakfast and a snack prior to the assessment. Most importantly, try to be calm yourself as your child will then be more relaxed.

When will I get the results?
We understand that you may have waited a long time for answers, which is why our goal is to have your report ready and posted to you within 2 weeks of the assessment. Until the assessment has been professionally scored and the results interpreted it is impossible for us to give you any indication of the outcome.  Prior to sending the report, your psychologist will contact you by phone to discuss the results.

What type of recommendations do you provide?
As each child is different our recommendations will depend on your child’s particular needs. They can range from special educational assistance, learning guidance, social skills training, behavioural interventions and/or emotional support. All suggested interventions are designed to be practical and accessible, with a focus on increasing confidence and building skills.

Can I make an appointment to discuss the assessment results?
Absolutely, this can help clarify your goals and be an important part of the process. All assessments include telephone feedback prior to receiving the report so you know what to expect, however a face-to-face follow-up appointment can be also arranged at the time of the assessment or once your report has been received.

How much will it cost?
Our assessment fee schedule is as follows:

Cognitive Assessment (WISC-V)     $700
Academic Testing (WIAT-III)             $700
Combined Assessment
(WISC-V and WIAT-III)                       $1200

Behavioural/Emotional Assessments are usually conducted in conjunction with other testing.  Please contact us directly and our friendly and experienced psychologists will be happy to assist and discuss your needs.


Make an appointment and we’ll contact you.